Friday, June 19, 2009

Basic schematic of Intelligent Building

Basic Idea of the EIB Automation system.

Pada dasarnya semua sistem smart atau Intelligent system beroperasi dengan methode "masukan dan keluaran ....kata sederhananya ialah : ada input ada output...ada sensor (definisinya bc di wikipedia) ada actuator (relay utk On/Off, Open/Close, Dim dll) anda tinggal menyebutkan aja sensor yg ingin anda pake dan yang bisa anda bayangkan kemudian katakan outputnya mo diapain lalu semuanya dapat dipastikan bisa terwujud.

Sampai saat ini sensor2 yg tersedia dipasaran dapat dikatakan sdh sgt beragam, pasti teman2 mash ingat fitur HP Voice dial (ini adalah Voice recognition sensor) dan fitur shake utk milih lagu?? (shake sensor) & ada lagi kalo mobil disentuh alarmnya njerit?, itu touch sensor ato glass break sensor, sensor biometrik (pengenal bagian tubuh manusia) spt sidik jari, retina mata, wajah, suara..biasanya utk security system, sensor cahaya, gerak,ada gas leakage sensor, water leakage dan buanyak sekali yg lainnya.misal, sensor hujan (rain sensor) anda tinggal katakan maunya diprogram bagaimn bila sensor mendeteksi adanya hujan...apakah untuk menggerakkan Motorized roof?? (yg ini biasanya adalah atap yg terbuat dari kaca dan dpt digerakkan oleh motor utk menutup & membuka), menutup jendela, gordyn ato blind n bahkan mengirimkan pesan sms ke siempunya bahwa rumahnya basah kena air hujan..!! dlsbgnya.
Basically all Intelligent systems or Smart Home systems are operated by "input and output" methode.... the simple way to describe is : if there is an input then there is an output or outputs...
The censor (definition read in wikipedia) is used by the actuator (or the output relay) to switch On/Off, Open/Close or Dimmer etc.) you may just mention every censor that ever crosses you mind & you might ever imagined or wanted to use and then afterward, tell us by what means do you like those out puts are gonna be, then all of it could be ascertained you to be realised."
Until today almost all sorts of Censors that available on market are very powerful...., definitely you guys still remember to the feature of the Voice activated dial in your Cell phone right?? (this is a Voice recognition censor) ,and the shaking feature to select songs?? (shake censor) & the car alarm system that uses touch censor or glass break censor.
Furthermore, have you ever heard about the Biometric censor (this kind of censor are used to examine the human body part) such as finger print scanner, retina scanner, face & voice censors....usually used in a an acces control & security system...., the light censor, movement censor, presence detector, gas leakage censor, water leakage and much much much more.
So talking about censors...... let's take an example, a rain censor,as its input is to detect rain then you may just imagine on which way do you expect its out put gonna be....whether you want it to activate the motorized roof , shut the windows or blinds and then the very least maybe to even instruct it to send you a sms of telling that it's rain on your home....:)

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