Friday, June 19, 2009

Smart Home Illustration

(Lihat Video Bar part 1) Presentasi ini menggambarkan konsep otomatisasi secara gamblang dan sgt mudah dimengerti betapa dgn menggunakan system ini anda dapat mengontrol semua fasilitas dari manapun diplanet bumi ini seperti mematikan atau menghidupkan alat2 listrik & elektronik yg lupa dimatikan krn anda ter-buru2 meninggalkan rumah dlsbgnya, mengunci dan membuka pintu serta memonitor system keamanan dirumah anda.
Seperti yg pernah sy uraikan bahwa Intelligent Building saat ini sgt mungkin diciptakan & diprogram tanpa batas (limitasi hanya pd daya imajinasi anda) dengan harga 20x lbh murah dari konsep yg sama pd 10thn lalu.
Prinsip Intelligent Building adalah : Kemudahan, Kenyamanan,Keamanan dan Penghematan ,oleh karena itu semua kontrol dapat anda lakukan dgn ujung jari anda dimanapun anda berada sebab anda dpt membuka pintu tanpa hrs beranjak dari lokasi kegiatan anda dengan wireles handset,remote control, telefon cellular, touch sensor maupun PC.
Kontrol Keamanan secara menyeluruh dpt diprogram bekerja secara otomatis dgn hanya menekan satu tombol tertentu ataupun berdasarkan waktu seperti Sleeping time misalnya....Sang Penyusup/Maling pasti akan kena serangan jantung krn secara mendadak system akan menyalakan seluruh lampu Rumah anda dan mengedip-ngedipkan lampu luar seta membunyikan alarm ketika dia menerobos area steril.
Secara umum Intelligent Building adalah dimana System Integrator dpt menyatukan secara menyeluruh system2 yg ada disuatu bangunan seperti,......Door Acces system, security System,HVAC system,Water/Gas or Plumbing System,AV & Sound System,..Telephone System, Lighting System, Fire Alarm System dlsbgnya...sehingga dengan memadukan seluruh system tersebut ,kontrol setiap mode dapat dilakukan hanya dengan sentuhan sekali satu jari saja.Misalkan anda ingin santai menonton TV disore hari,.....sambil santai disofa dan menekan satu tombol seluruh sequences mode nonton TV otomatis melaksanakan tugasnya sepeti,....menyalakan AC pada temperatur yg nyaman kemudian menutup Gordyn jendela dan menurunkan screen serta mematikan lampu dan seterusnya.
Pada presentasi ini digambarkan suatu kondisi dimana andapun dapat menerima pengiriman paket dirumah anda meskipun disitu tak ada satupun orangnya didalam, sebab spt yg diuraikan terdahulu bahwa anda dpt mengontrol seluruh fasilitas yg ada di Smart/Intelligent Home dari manapun dan kapanpun...dalam hal ini Electric Bolt (Grendel/Kunci yg bekerja secara elektris) dipasang dipintu pagar dan Pintu Garasi yg dipasangin mekanisme pembuka dgn motor dpt anda akses via telephone ato internet (wuah,.....kalo para carder yg suruh pasang spt ini tentu gue tolak!!)
Ini menarik krn skenarionya bisa seperti sbg berikut :...., hacker melakukan Carding dan membeli sejumlah barang mewah dan mengirimkannya kealamat rumah yg dipasangin system ini.....lalu ketika barang dikirimkan si pak pos menekan bel yang nyambung ke HP Carder yg berada diujung dunia ...lalu dia menginstruksikan si pengirim paket itu meletakkan paket itu didalam garasi dgn membukakan pintu gerbang dan pintu garasi dari sono dan selanjutnya ....terserah anda.terima kasih!!
(see Video Bar part 1) This Presentation depicts concept of the automation system is explicitly very easy to be understood, on how by using this system you can control all facilities of your home from anywhere, anytime on the planet.....whether turning off or turning on the electricity apparatus you have forgoten to kill due to your hurriedly left the house etc, locking and opening the door or monitoring the alarm and security system in your house. Like I ever mentioned ,the Intelligent Building at this time is very possible to be created & to program it without boundary.(the limitations only in your imagination power) ,with the price of 20 times cheaper than the same concept in the last 10 years back.
The Intelligent Building principle is for : the Covenience, Safety, Security & economical....,that's why all control could be carried out by your fingertips anytime ,anywhere because you can open your door without having to move from the location of your activity by means of using the wireles handset,remote control, the telephone cellular, touch censor and PC.
Control of the Security system comprehensively may be programmed as it should work automatically by pressing one certain button or automaticaly run based on time such as Sleeping mode or other parameter.
Thiefs or Intruders will definitely be killed by his own heart attack because all in a sudden the system switchs on all of your House lights and flashing the external lights in case of they trigger the alarm system when trying to break through the perimeter of sterile area of your house.
Generally Intelligent Building is where the System Integrator can unite comprehensively all systems in a Building such as, ...... Door Acces system, Security System, HVAC system,Water/Gas or Plumbing System,AV & Sound System,.. Telephone System, Lighting System, Fire Alarm System etc.... in such a manner by combining all those stand alone systems, the System Integrator may design and program all of it as one Integrated system so that after completely programmed it could be carried out a touch of a button function, time function and the parameter function. For example , if you want relaxing & watching TV on afternoon,..... while lean on the comfort sofa you can simply press a button to switch the TV mode....and the system will carry out all tasks sequences automatically for you............... such as turning on the AC in a comfortable temperature, afterwards closing down the Gordyn or the the window then lower the screen and turn the mood of watching TV lighting et cetera etc.
In this presentation, it depicts a condition where you can also accept the sending of package to your house eventhough there is no body inside, because you can control all facilities of your house in a Smart/Intelligent Home from anywhere and this example the way you can control opening or closing your door remotely is by using the Electric Bolt (the Latch works electrically) that installed in the door, main gate and Garage door of which the mechanism of the opener of the motor can be accessed via telephone or internet (wow,..... if the stupid Hacker asks me to design & install this system in his house, I certainly will deny it!! )
This is interesting because when scenario turn to be like this :....,Eventhough the house is empty and you are at a different continent with your house, it is still fully under your control if yours is an Intelligent if A Hacker who did a cyber crime like carding and bought several luxury items and asked to send it to his address, a house that using the technology of Intelligent Building..... then, when the things arrived & delivered by the postman to the hacker's Intelligent house ,without the postman notice the bell he push actually ring in a form of sms to the hacker's celluler ..and from wherever he is, trough his monitor the hacker can see mr postman and communicate as well as instruct him
to put all those things in his garage by remotely opening & closing all of the doors as needed.......& the rest what happen next is up to your & imagination then.
thank you.

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