Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Story of Intelligent Building

Intelligent buildings design and building management systems
Overview of 'intelligent buildings' and 'intelligent homes' technologiesThe field of Intelligent Buildings, Intelligent Homes, Building Management Systems (BMS) encompasses an enormous variety of technologies, across commercial, industrial, institutional and domestic buildings, including energy management systems and building controls. The function of Building Management Systems is central to 'Intelligent Buildings' concepts; its purpose is to control, monitor and optimise building services, eg., lighting; heating; security, CCTV and alarm systems; access control; audio-visual and entertainment systems; ventilation, filtration and climate control, etc.; even time & attendance control and reporting (notably staff movement and availability). The potential within these concepts and the surrounding technology is vast, and our lives are changing from the effects of Intelligent Buildings developments on our living and working environments. The impact on facilities planning and facilities management is also potentially immense.

Any facilities managers considering premises development or site relocation should also consider the opportunities presented by Intelligent Buildings technologies and concepts. This free summary article is contributed by Gary Mills, a leading UK-based expert in the field of Intelligent Buildings, Intelligent Homes, and Building Management Systems. The origins of Intelligent Buildings and Building Management Systems have roots in the industrial sector in the 1970's, from the systems and controls used to automate production processes and to optimise plant performances. The concepts and applications were then adapted, developed and modularised during the 1980's, enabling transferability of the technology and systems to the residential and commercial sectors.

Intelligent Buildings - control theory
The essence of Building Management Systems and Intelligent Buildings is in the control technologies, which allow integration, automation, and optimisation of all the services and equipment that provide services and manages the environment of the building concerned.Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC's) formed the original basis of the control technologies. Later developments, in commercial and residential applications, were based on 'distributed-intelligence microprocessors'. The use of these technologies allows the optimisation of various site and building services, often yielding significant cost reductions and large energy savings. There are numerous methods by which building services within buildings can be controlled, falling broadly into two method types: Time based - providing heating or lighting services, etc., only when required, and Optimiser Parameter based - often utilising a representative aspect of the service, such as temperature for space heating or illuminance for lighting. heating - time-based controlTime-based controls can be used to turn on and off the heating system (and/or water heating) at pre-selected periods (of the day, of the week, etc).

Optimiser Parameters: whatever the conditions, the controls make sure the building reaches the desired temperature when occupancy starts.heating - optimiser parameter-based (temperature) control examples Temperature control: protection against freezing or frost protection generally involves running heating system pumps and boilers when external temperature reaches a set level (0°C). Compensated systems: will control flow temperature in the heating circuit relative to external temperature. This will give a rise in the circuit flow temperature when outside temperature drops. Thermostatic radiator valves: these sense space temperature in a room and throttle the flow accordingly through the radiator or convector to which they are fitted.

Proportional control: involves switching equipment on and off automatically to regulate output. Other methods can include thermostats, occupancy sensing PIR's (passive infra-red sensors), and manual user control. lighting control methods Different control systems exist, again time-based control and optimiser parameter-based where a level of illuminance or particular use of lighting is required. Zones: lights are switched on corresponding to the use and layout of the lit areas, in order to avoid lighting a large area if only a small part of it needs light.

Time control: to switch on and off automatically in each zone to a preset schedule for light use. Passive Infra-Red (PIR) Occupancy sensing: In areas which are occupied intermittently, occupancy sensors can be used to indicate whether or not anybody is present and switch the light on or off accordingly. Light level monitoring: this consists of switching or dimming artificial lighting to maintain a light level measured by a photocell.

Building management systems and intelligent buildings - energy savings
Until recent years, energy efficiency has been a relatively low priority and low perceived opportunity to building owners and investors. However, with the dramatic increase and awareness of energy use concerns, and the advances in cost-effective technologies, energy efficiency is fast becoming part of real estate management, facilities management and operations strategy. The concepts are also now making significant inroads into the domestic residential housebuilding sectors.For lighting, energy savings can be up to 75% of the original circuit load, which represents 5% of the total energy consumption of the residential and commercial sectors. Energy savings potential from water heating, cooling, or hot water production, can be up to 10%, which represents up to 7% of the total energy consumption of the domestic residential and commercial sectors. Experiences from studies in Austria suggest potential heating and cooling energy savings are up to 30% in public buildings. Even allowing for the fact that buildings used in the study may have been those with particularly high energy usage, the figure is an impressive one. (Source: EU2 Analysis and Market Survey for European Building Technologies in Central & Eastern European Countries

Building management systems and intelligent buildings - environmental and greenhouse gas benefits
Greenhouse gas emission reductions depend on and correlate to reductions in energy use. Intelligent Buildings and Building Management Systems technologies contribute directly to the reduction in energy use, in commercial, industrial, institutional and domestic residential sectors.In short, Intelligent Buildings and suitably applied Building Management Systems are good for the environment.Legislation and environmental standards; health and safety regulations; and global trends towards improving indoor air quality standards are all significant drivers of - and provide a continuous endorsement of the need for - Building Management Systems and the Intelligent Buildings technologies. Government Initiatives around the world are also driving the development and adoption of Building Management Systems technologies. For example the UK Carbon Trust allows Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) to be offset against taxation on energy efficient systems, which enables savings of around 30% for all energy-related Building Management Systems and Intelligent Buildings equipment, and the associated installation and design costs. Building management systems and intelligent buildings - market trendsCareful interpretation is required. In the UK, adoption of controls technologies into the new build and major refurbishment sectors is relatively high: Estimates a few years ago of the UK market for Building Management Control Systems for new build and major refurbishment, all sectors, suggest market adoption of (as at 1994 - Source UK1 An Appraisal of UK Energy RTD, ETSU -1994): Heating controls 70%. Hot water system controls 90%. Air conditioning controls 80%. However according to European Commission as many as 90% of all existing buildings have inapplicable or ineffective controls, many of which require complete refurbishment of control systems. Moreover conventional control systems stop short of automated Intelligent Buildings full capabilities.

A significant human element is required for optimal effective operation even if control systems correctly specified and installed.Given typical installations and equipment there is often a difficulty for building occupants (residential) or managers (commercial) to operate them correctly. Usage and correct operation are vital for effective results.Education of users; improved systems-design user-friendliness, and the provision of relevant instructions and information are all critical to enable theory to translate into practice, and for potential effectiveness and savings to be realised.

Building management systems and intelligent buildings - practical benefits
Energy-effective systems balance a building's electric light, daylight and mechanical systems for maximum benefit. Enhanced lighting design is more than an electrical layout. It must consider the needs and schedules of occupants, seasonal and climatic daylight changes, and its impact on the building's mechanical systems.

Lighting Systems
Adding daylight to a building is one way to achieve an energy-effective design. Natural daylight 'harvesting' can make people happier, healthier, and more productive. And with the reduced need for electric light, a great deal of money can be saved on energy. Nearly every commercial building is a potential energy saving project, where the electric lighting systems can be designed to be dimmed with the availability of daylight. Up to 75% of lighting energy consumption can be saved. In addition, by reducing electric lighting and minimizing solar heat gain, controlled lighting can also reduce a building's air conditioning load.

Mechanical Systems
The HVAC system and controls, including the distribution system of air into the workspaces, are the mechanical parts of buildings that affect thermal comfort. These systems must work together to provide building comfort. While not usually a part of the aesthetics of a building, they are critical to its operations and occupant satisfaction.

The number one office complaint is that the workplace is too hot. Number two is that it's too cold. Many people cope by adding fans, space heaters, covering up vents, complaining, conducting 'thermostat wars' with their co-workers, or simply leaving the office. Occupants can be driven to distraction trying to adjust the comfort in their space. Improper temperature, humidity, ventilation, and indoor air quality can also have significant impacts on productivity and health. When we are thermally comfortable we work better, shop longer, relax, breathe easier, focus our attention better.

In order to provide a comfortable and healthy indoor environment the building mechanical system must:Provide an acceptable level of temperature and humidity and safe guard against odours and indoor air pollutants. Create a sense of habitability through air movement, ventilation and slight temperature variation. Allow the occupant to control and modify conditions to suit individual preferences.

Resistance to building management systems and intelligent buildings technology "Our buildings are already energy-efficient." (Is the whole building energy-efficient, or is the landlord limiting his focus to common areas and gross leased spaces?) "We prefer the equipment with the lowest first cost when fitting out tenant space." (Does the specifier have any idea who will bear the increased operating costs of such a strategy?) "We need a two-year simple payback or less." (Is this still realistic, given that the percentage return on money markets is literally one-tenth what it was 20 years ago?) "Tenants pay all energy costs, and will get all the savings." (Do tenants really pay all energy or just the energy over a pre-set base year or expense stop?) "We're selling the building." (Should we assume then that lowering the operating expenses and reaping the increased asset value are not important?)

Intelligent Building
Homes building management systems for residential applicationsWith the widespread adoption of digital technologies there will be a profound change in how we communicate with others. Even how, in our homes, we shop for goods and services, receive news, manage our finances, learn about the world, and, conduct business, manage resources, find entertainment, and maintain independence and autonomy as we enter old age. These activities increasingly take place in the home. As our perception of banks, shops, universities, communities, and cities change in response to new technologies, so home building management systems are taking on an extraordinary new importance. As it exists today the home cannot meet these demands or take advantage of new opportunities created by social and technological changes. Most people live in spaces poorly tailored to their needs. Until recently, the majority of homes were wired with little more than the main electrical circuits, a few phone lines, and a few TV cables. Times have changed. Electrical and security system contractors routinely install low voltage communication network cables for a wide range of intelligent home or 'smart home' systems. Services and equipment that utilise these networks include: security; home theatre and entertainment; telephones, door-phones and intercoms; PC and internet networks; surveillance cameras; driveway vehicle sensors; communicating thermostats; motorized window blinds and curtains; entry systems; and irrigation systems.

Smart homes
Smart home' is an alternative term for an intelligent residential building, or an intelligent home. A few years ago these concepts weer considered futuristic and fanciful. Now they are reality. These terms are now commonly used to define a residence that uses a control system to integrate the residence's various automation systems. Integrating the home systems allows them to communicate with one another through the control system, thereby enabling single button and voice control of the various home systems simultaneously, in pre-programmed scenarios or operating modes. The development of smart home systems focus on how the home and its related technologies, products, and services should evolve to best meet the opportunities and challenges of the future. The possibilities and permutations are endless. Here are some examples:

Smart home example scenario 1
A scenario such as 'I'm Home' could be triggered by pressing one button on a key-ring remote-control from your vehicle as you approach the driveway. The control system receives the key-ring remote-control's command. This will then trigger a pre-programmed sequence of functions. For example starting by turning on the lighting in the driveway, garage, hallway, and kitchen. It then disarms the security system, opens the garage door, unlocks the interior garage entry door, adjusts the heating to a preset temperature, and turns on the whole-house audio system playing your favourite cd, whilst drawing you a bath. The control system is programmed to meet specific user requirements, initiating sequential automatic operation of the home systems, in response to 'one button' commands based on the situation and or time.

Smart home example scenario 2
At 7:30am and you awake to the sound of your favourite cd playing in the background; the lights in your bedroom switch on; 'fading up' to allow you to wake up in your own time. The downstairs intruder alarm system is de-activated. In the kitchen the coffee machine turns on to make a drink. The ground floor curtains and blinds open; the towel heater in the bathroom warms the towels. And you haven't even got up yet. This simple example demonstrates how smart home technology will change people's lives. Designing systems that group together and automate everyday simple tasks, improve quality of life and reduce stress levels.

I am grateful to Gary Mills of Fusion Group for providing much of the content in this article. Fusion specialise in the design of intelligent buildings, and living and working environments, which includes design for energy efficiency and climate change considerations.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Finger print scanner (the Chronicle)

Memenuhi janjiku utk mengulas security system kemarin, pd posting terakhir HDDStudio mengatakan titik lemahnya bkn di system....yg berarti bagi sy hal ini justru menunjukkan pehamahamannya yg kurang mendalam tentang apa yg disebut sbg Access Management dan Security system.....

Sekelumit ttg Access Management.

Pd awalnya access control system (sistem pengendalian keluar masuk personil) hanya berbasis & tergantung pd kunci & gembok..dan pastinya perangkat ini tdklah memadai apabila diterapkan pd fasilitas2 penting, rahasia & berbahaya.

Oleh krn anak kunci sgt gampang diduplikasi, gembok bisa dipotong...lalu apabila kunci hilang pasti semuanya serba repot dan satu lg yg paling penting, dgn methode berbasis kunci seperti ini kita pasti tdk bisa mengidentifikasi siapa yg masuk dan siapa yg keluar serta kapan waktunya....maka, demi tujuan peningkatan keamanan yg lbh akuntabilitas maka implementasi manajemen sistem akses berbasis elektronik harus diaplikasikan.

Pd dasarnya Access Management (AM) adalah suatu methode penataan data dan pengaturan terhadap orang2 ,kenderaan ataupun material yg melintasi pintu masuk maupun keluar dr suatu gedung atau area tertentu yg ingin & hrs dilindungi dgn perangkat sistem kontrol peangamanan elektronik, sehingga dgn memanfaatkan teknologi ini anda dpt memonitor pergerakan keluar masuk siapapun dan apapun yg ada dilokasi tsb & semua data tersimpan secara otomatis yg hanya petinggi saja dapat mengaksesnya.

Dgn kemajuan teknologi komputer saat ini, sistem AM bukan hanya bisa melakukan pengamanan berbasis kunci saja, tetapi dapat terus dikembangkan dan diprogram sesuai dgn kebutuhan (tingkat keamanan ato level security) ,seperti misalnya siapa dan kapan saja seseorang boleh melintasi area ato pintu tertentu & hrs dgn menggunakan cara apa.

Kebanyakan sistem AM menerima atau menolak upaya akses berdasarkan identifikasi yg sesuai dan tepat dari data yg tersimpan pada perangkat yg disebutkan dibawah ini :

  • nomor password yg dimasukkan pd keypad
  • kode informasi dr proximity card (kartu yg hrs didekatkan pd card reader), ato kartu pengenal yg digesek
  • perangkat pembaca Biometric (pengenal diri alami) seperti suara, sidik jari, telapak tangan, retina, wajah dlsbgnya.

Biometric biasanya dipergunakan pd aplikasi memerlukan sekuriti tingkat tinggi seperti Laboratorium, Farmasi, pusat data rahasia dll.

Dgn rancangan dan program Access Management yg sempurna maka resiko terhadap hal2 yg tdk diinginkan dpt direalisir......tetapi tiada gading yg tdk retak dan tiada sistem apapun yg sempurna sehingga tiada celah utk menjebolnya ...sebab disadari maupun tdk realita tlah membuktikan apapun sistemnya , mau itu sistem hukum, sistem akuntansi, sistem keamanan komputer, Internet, sistem tata negara, sistem management............. semua punya celah dan kekurangan............

Akan tetapi mengacu pd pendapat Mario Teguh yg mengatakan bahwa justru karena gading itu retak maka dia sempurna, telah memberi arti bagi saya bahwa dgn ketidak sempurnaanlah maka roda dunia berputar, ada dinamika kehidupan yg selalu mencari keseimbangan dan merangsang manusia terus belajar menutupi kekurangan dan "menyempurnakan" temuan ,rancangan ,system dan lain ada yg tdk perlu disempurnakan.

Kembali tentang finger Print sensor,...alat ini sekarang banyak dipakai utk data absensi & payroll....dan krn rejection ratenya kurang dr 3% dan kesalahan identifikasi 1/1000 (ini yg standard International lho) mk utk membodohi alat ini bkn perkara mudah.

Berkaitan dgn Intelligent Building, karena setiap pola jari jemari berbeda dari kelingking hingga jempol , tgn kiri & kanan, maka Finger Print Sensor dpt difungsikan utk 10 (sepuluh) skenario perintah-perintah pd system seperti :

TANGAN KIRI = perintah utk play musik ie:

  • kelingking ~ Rock
  • jari manis ~ Jazz
  • jari tengah ~ dang dut
  • jari telunjuk ~ Orchestra
  • Jempol ~ Lagu favorit

TANGAN KANAN = perintah suasana penerangan

  • kelingking ~ pencahayaan dgn suasana romantis
  • jari manis ~ pencahayaa dgn suasana bermain/ pesta
  • jari tengah ~ atmosfir yg tenang
  • jari telunjuk ~ atmosfir yg hangat
  • Jempol ~ security system alert

Semua ini ilustrasi....daftar perintah tinggal di pikirkan seleranya bagaimana dan maunya apa ,imajinasi sebenarnya integral tp ia tdk bisa dimanfaatkan tanpa kontemplasi.

sekian terima kasih.

Finger print sensor

[QUOTE=HDDStudio;497917]Wehehehehe....defeating biometric security sensor is easy .

Bang HDDStudio, thanks buat kontribusi & peran sertanya...,
Berbicara tentang Intelligent Building maka salah satu kriterianya adalah Safety & Security system dan oleh krn itu berbicara ttg hal ini maka tak boleh kita abaikan LEVEL SECURITY macam apa yg dibutuhkan sehingga kemungkinan dijebol ato "ditipu" oleh penyusup akan tertutup sama sekali dan dapat digagalkan.

Ada 2(dua) tugas dasar alat ini yaitu mengambil gambar sidik jari dan kemudian mencocokkan dgn image yg telah tersimpan.
Finger print sensor yg baik adalah yg mampu mendeteksi kedalaman lekuk dan garis lengkungan pada sidik jari (ingat,ia merupakan "kartu identitas" dgn pola yg unik dgn permukaan seperti jejeran lembah & tebing2 ,yg satu2nya didunia,takkan hilang kecuali jarinya dipotong dan yg fungsi sehari-harinya agar dpt memegang benda licin tanpa terpeleset) dan satu lagi kriteria finger print yg bagus....yaitu menambahkan semacam heat sensor didalmnya ,sehingga Gelatin, maupun cetakan ato foto dan bahkan jari yg dipotong akan di tolak oleh scanner ini.
Ada beberapa cara utk pengambilan gambar sidik jari, dan memang 2 diantaranya dgn methode seperti yg anda sebutkan itu.......tetapi sy kurang setuju ketika anda katakan defeating biometric security sensor is easy (kecuali sistem abal2)...sebab menurut pendapat sy walaupun sang defeator memahami cara kerja Finger print scanner & Biometric reader lainnya....tetapi apabila system securitynya dirancang ,dipasang serta diprogram oleh profesional (hm, misalnya ), maka hal ini tentu menjadi hal yg rumit luar biasa bg anda atau bahkan undefeatable.
Integrated access security system memadukan seluruh perangkat dan dirancang serta diprogram sedemikian rupa sehingga there's no crack on the wall , so that the light can't come in.
kita bole membahas ini kapan2!!
A small talk about Finger Print scanner with HDDStudio in one of my thread.
Speaking about the Intelligent Building, we must remember that one of its criterias is Safety & Security system and if we talk about it we should not forget or ignore its security level so that the possibility of breaking down or deceiting the system by Intruder or infiltrator will be impossible succeded.
A fingerprint scanner system has two basic jobs, it needs to get an image of your finger, and it needs to determine whether the pattern of ridges and valleys in this image matches the pattern of ridges and valleys in pre-scanned images. (remember,biometric censor as finger print is the unique "identity card" of a person, it's the only one,lost proof except chopped by the bandit and you know what ??,its daily function is to hold the slicky object without slipping, that's why its pattern like ridges and valleys when you see it under microscope). another best scanners have additional pulse and heat sensors to verify that the finger is alive, so that the Gelatin mold , finger print photo or even chopped finger will be denied by this this censor.
There are a number of different ways to get an image of somebody's finger. The most common methods today indeed as you said are optical scanning and capacitance scanning. Both types come up with the same sort of image, but they go about it in completely different ways.
but I'm quite disagree when you said defeating biometric security censor is easy (except those "abal-abal" system)...because in my opinion although the defeator understands how the Finger print scanner & Biometric reader works,.... but as long as that security system is planned, installed and programmed by professional (hm, me for example), then I guarantee you that this is certainly will become the extraordinary complicated matter for you to fake or in other words you'll never ever able to defeat it.
Integrated access security system combined all equipments and it is designed as well as being programmed in such a way to make no cracks on the wall so that the light can't come in. cheers.
PS,Let's talk about it someday!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Smart Home Illustration

(Lihat Video Bar part 1) Presentasi ini menggambarkan konsep otomatisasi secara gamblang dan sgt mudah dimengerti betapa dgn menggunakan system ini anda dapat mengontrol semua fasilitas dari manapun diplanet bumi ini seperti mematikan atau menghidupkan alat2 listrik & elektronik yg lupa dimatikan krn anda ter-buru2 meninggalkan rumah dlsbgnya, mengunci dan membuka pintu serta memonitor system keamanan dirumah anda.
Seperti yg pernah sy uraikan bahwa Intelligent Building saat ini sgt mungkin diciptakan & diprogram tanpa batas (limitasi hanya pd daya imajinasi anda) dengan harga 20x lbh murah dari konsep yg sama pd 10thn lalu.
Prinsip Intelligent Building adalah : Kemudahan, Kenyamanan,Keamanan dan Penghematan ,oleh karena itu semua kontrol dapat anda lakukan dgn ujung jari anda dimanapun anda berada sebab anda dpt membuka pintu tanpa hrs beranjak dari lokasi kegiatan anda dengan wireles handset,remote control, telefon cellular, touch sensor maupun PC.
Kontrol Keamanan secara menyeluruh dpt diprogram bekerja secara otomatis dgn hanya menekan satu tombol tertentu ataupun berdasarkan waktu seperti Sleeping time misalnya....Sang Penyusup/Maling pasti akan kena serangan jantung krn secara mendadak system akan menyalakan seluruh lampu Rumah anda dan mengedip-ngedipkan lampu luar seta membunyikan alarm ketika dia menerobos area steril.
Secara umum Intelligent Building adalah dimana System Integrator dpt menyatukan secara menyeluruh system2 yg ada disuatu bangunan seperti,......Door Acces system, security System,HVAC system,Water/Gas or Plumbing System,AV & Sound System,..Telephone System, Lighting System, Fire Alarm System dlsbgnya...sehingga dengan memadukan seluruh system tersebut ,kontrol setiap mode dapat dilakukan hanya dengan sentuhan sekali satu jari saja.Misalkan anda ingin santai menonton TV disore hari,.....sambil santai disofa dan menekan satu tombol seluruh sequences mode nonton TV otomatis melaksanakan tugasnya sepeti,....menyalakan AC pada temperatur yg nyaman kemudian menutup Gordyn jendela dan menurunkan screen serta mematikan lampu dan seterusnya.
Pada presentasi ini digambarkan suatu kondisi dimana andapun dapat menerima pengiriman paket dirumah anda meskipun disitu tak ada satupun orangnya didalam, sebab spt yg diuraikan terdahulu bahwa anda dpt mengontrol seluruh fasilitas yg ada di Smart/Intelligent Home dari manapun dan kapanpun...dalam hal ini Electric Bolt (Grendel/Kunci yg bekerja secara elektris) dipasang dipintu pagar dan Pintu Garasi yg dipasangin mekanisme pembuka dgn motor dpt anda akses via telephone ato internet (wuah,.....kalo para carder yg suruh pasang spt ini tentu gue tolak!!)
Ini menarik krn skenarionya bisa seperti sbg berikut :...., hacker melakukan Carding dan membeli sejumlah barang mewah dan mengirimkannya kealamat rumah yg dipasangin system ini.....lalu ketika barang dikirimkan si pak pos menekan bel yang nyambung ke HP Carder yg berada diujung dunia ...lalu dia menginstruksikan si pengirim paket itu meletakkan paket itu didalam garasi dgn membukakan pintu gerbang dan pintu garasi dari sono dan selanjutnya ....terserah anda.terima kasih!!
(see Video Bar part 1) This Presentation depicts concept of the automation system is explicitly very easy to be understood, on how by using this system you can control all facilities of your home from anywhere, anytime on the planet.....whether turning off or turning on the electricity apparatus you have forgoten to kill due to your hurriedly left the house etc, locking and opening the door or monitoring the alarm and security system in your house. Like I ever mentioned ,the Intelligent Building at this time is very possible to be created & to program it without boundary.(the limitations only in your imagination power) ,with the price of 20 times cheaper than the same concept in the last 10 years back.
The Intelligent Building principle is for : the Covenience, Safety, Security & economical....,that's why all control could be carried out by your fingertips anytime ,anywhere because you can open your door without having to move from the location of your activity by means of using the wireles handset,remote control, the telephone cellular, touch censor and PC.
Control of the Security system comprehensively may be programmed as it should work automatically by pressing one certain button or automaticaly run based on time such as Sleeping mode or other parameter.
Thiefs or Intruders will definitely be killed by his own heart attack because all in a sudden the system switchs on all of your House lights and flashing the external lights in case of they trigger the alarm system when trying to break through the perimeter of sterile area of your house.
Generally Intelligent Building is where the System Integrator can unite comprehensively all systems in a Building such as, ...... Door Acces system, Security System, HVAC system,Water/Gas or Plumbing System,AV & Sound System,.. Telephone System, Lighting System, Fire Alarm System etc.... in such a manner by combining all those stand alone systems, the System Integrator may design and program all of it as one Integrated system so that after completely programmed it could be carried out a touch of a button function, time function and the parameter function. For example , if you want relaxing & watching TV on afternoon,..... while lean on the comfort sofa you can simply press a button to switch the TV mode....and the system will carry out all tasks sequences automatically for you............... such as turning on the AC in a comfortable temperature, afterwards closing down the Gordyn or the the window then lower the screen and turn the mood of watching TV lighting et cetera etc.
In this presentation, it depicts a condition where you can also accept the sending of package to your house eventhough there is no body inside, because you can control all facilities of your house in a Smart/Intelligent Home from anywhere and this example the way you can control opening or closing your door remotely is by using the Electric Bolt (the Latch works electrically) that installed in the door, main gate and Garage door of which the mechanism of the opener of the motor can be accessed via telephone or internet (wow,..... if the stupid Hacker asks me to design & install this system in his house, I certainly will deny it!! )
This is interesting because when scenario turn to be like this :....,Eventhough the house is empty and you are at a different continent with your house, it is still fully under your control if yours is an Intelligent if A Hacker who did a cyber crime like carding and bought several luxury items and asked to send it to his address, a house that using the technology of Intelligent Building..... then, when the things arrived & delivered by the postman to the hacker's Intelligent house ,without the postman notice the bell he push actually ring in a form of sms to the hacker's celluler ..and from wherever he is, trough his monitor the hacker can see mr postman and communicate as well as instruct him
to put all those things in his garage by remotely opening & closing all of the doors as needed.......& the rest what happen next is up to your & imagination then.
thank you.

Basic schematic of Intelligent Building

Basic Idea of the EIB Automation system.

Pada dasarnya semua sistem smart atau Intelligent system beroperasi dengan methode "masukan dan keluaran ....kata sederhananya ialah : ada input ada output...ada sensor (definisinya bc di wikipedia) ada actuator (relay utk On/Off, Open/Close, Dim dll) anda tinggal menyebutkan aja sensor yg ingin anda pake dan yang bisa anda bayangkan kemudian katakan outputnya mo diapain lalu semuanya dapat dipastikan bisa terwujud.

Sampai saat ini sensor2 yg tersedia dipasaran dapat dikatakan sdh sgt beragam, pasti teman2 mash ingat fitur HP Voice dial (ini adalah Voice recognition sensor) dan fitur shake utk milih lagu?? (shake sensor) & ada lagi kalo mobil disentuh alarmnya njerit?, itu touch sensor ato glass break sensor, sensor biometrik (pengenal bagian tubuh manusia) spt sidik jari, retina mata, wajah, suara..biasanya utk security system, sensor cahaya, gerak,ada gas leakage sensor, water leakage dan buanyak sekali yg lainnya.misal, sensor hujan (rain sensor) anda tinggal katakan maunya diprogram bagaimn bila sensor mendeteksi adanya hujan...apakah untuk menggerakkan Motorized roof?? (yg ini biasanya adalah atap yg terbuat dari kaca dan dpt digerakkan oleh motor utk menutup & membuka), menutup jendela, gordyn ato blind n bahkan mengirimkan pesan sms ke siempunya bahwa rumahnya basah kena air hujan..!! dlsbgnya.
Basically all Intelligent systems or Smart Home systems are operated by "input and output" methode.... the simple way to describe is : if there is an input then there is an output or outputs...
The censor (definition read in wikipedia) is used by the actuator (or the output relay) to switch On/Off, Open/Close or Dimmer etc.) you may just mention every censor that ever crosses you mind & you might ever imagined or wanted to use and then afterward, tell us by what means do you like those out puts are gonna be, then all of it could be ascertained you to be realised."
Until today almost all sorts of Censors that available on market are very powerful...., definitely you guys still remember to the feature of the Voice activated dial in your Cell phone right?? (this is a Voice recognition censor) ,and the shaking feature to select songs?? (shake censor) & the car alarm system that uses touch censor or glass break censor.
Furthermore, have you ever heard about the Biometric censor (this kind of censor are used to examine the human body part) such as finger print scanner, retina scanner, face & voice censors....usually used in a an acces control & security system...., the light censor, movement censor, presence detector, gas leakage censor, water leakage and much much much more.
So talking about censors...... let's take an example, a rain censor,as its input is to detect rain then you may just imagine on which way do you expect its out put gonna be....whether you want it to activate the motorized roof , shut the windows or blinds and then the very least maybe to even instruct it to send you a sms of telling that it's rain on your home....:)

Pengantar / Preeface

Intelligent Building System adalah teknologi dengan Instalasi yang memungkinkan seluruh perangkat fasilitas Gedung dapat dirancang dan diprogram sesuai kebutuhan, keinginan & kontrol otomatis terpusat.

Kehebatan teknologi system ini hanya dibatasi oleh daya imajinasi sang owner, perencana & programmer systemnya.

Oleh karena itu untuk tujuan menambah wawasan tentang Mechanical & Electrical, Intelligent Building system ini, maka saya ingin mengajak teman yang memiliki skill & knowledge maupun pengalaman dalam bidang tersebut serta teman2 yg haus teknologi, yang suka, yang ingin tau ,just 4 fun atau apapun untuk sharing & blog ini.
akhir kata...let's get it on.
thanks & peace
Intelligent Building System is a technology in which the Installation of all utilities and devices of the Building facilities can be designed and programmed in accordance to the requirements of the owner wish, centrally controlled devices & automation.
The boundary of its intelligence would only be limited by the imagination power of the owner, the planner & the programmer of the system.
Because of such sophisticated unique gadget in Building, and for the purpose of boosting up the insight concept of the Mechanical & Electrical as well as the Intelligent Building system, I decided to create this blog and wanted to encourage all fellows who had the same skill, knowledge and experience in this field and also to those who need to know this technology more, curiosity, just for fun or anything like like that to share it here.
So... let's get it on pals.
Thank you.