Bang HDDStudio, thanks buat kontribusi & peran sertanya...,
Berbicara tentang Intelligent Building maka salah satu kriterianya adalah Safety & Security system dan oleh krn itu berbicara ttg hal ini maka tak boleh kita abaikan LEVEL SECURITY macam apa yg dibutuhkan sehingga kemungkinan dijebol ato "ditipu" oleh penyusup akan tertutup sama sekali dan dapat digagalkan.
Ada 2(dua) tugas dasar alat ini yaitu mengambil gambar sidik jari dan kemudian mencocokkan dgn image yg telah tersimpan.
Finger print sensor yg baik ad
alah yg mampu mendeteksi kedalaman lekuk dan garis lengkungan pada sidik jari (ingat,ia merupakan "kartu identitas" dgn pola yg unik dgn permukaan seperti jejeran lembah & tebing2 ,yg satu2nya didunia,takkan hilang kecuali jarinya dipotong dan yg fungsi sehari-harinya agar dpt memegang benda licin tanpa terpeleset) dan satu lagi kriteria finger print yg bagus....yaitu menambahkan semacam heat sensor didalmnya ,sehingga Gelatin, maupun cetakan ato foto dan bahkan jari yg dipotong akan di tolak oleh scanner ini.
Ada beberapa cara utk pengambilan gambar sidik jari, dan memang 2 diantaranya dgn methode seperti yg anda sebutkan itu.......tetapi sy kurang setuju ketika anda katakan defeating biometric security sensor is easy (kecuali sistem abal2)...sebab menurut pendapat sy walaupun sang defeator memahami cara kerja Finger print scanner & Biometric reader lainnya....tetapi apabila system securitynya dirancang ,dipasang serta diprogram oleh profesional (hm, misalnya ), maka hal ini tentu menjadi hal yg rumit luar biasa bg anda atau bahkan undefeatable.
Integrated access security system memadukan seluruh perangkat dan dirancang serta diprogram sedemikian rupa sehingga there's no crack on the wall , so that the light can't come in.
kita bole membahas ini kapan2!!
A small talk about Finger Print scanner with HDDStudio in one of my thread.
Speaking about the Intelligent Building, we must remember that one of its criterias is Safety & Security system and if we talk about it we should not forget or ignore its security level so that the possibility of breaking down or deceiting the system by Intruder or infiltrator will be impossible succeded.
A fingerprint scanner system has two basic jobs, it needs to get an image of your finger, and it needs to determine whether the pattern of ridges and valleys in this image matches the pattern of ridges and valleys in pre-scanned images. (remember,biometric censor as finger print is the unique "identity card" of a person, it's the only one,lost proof except chopped by the bandit and you know what ??,its daily function is to hold the slicky object without slipping, that's why its pattern like ridges and valleys when you see it under microscope). another best scanners have additional pulse and heat sensors to verify that the finger is alive, so that the Gelatin mold , finger print photo or even chopped finger will be denied by this this censor.
There are a number of different ways to get an image of somebody's finger. The most common methods today indeed as you said are optical scanning and capacitance scanning. Both types come up with the same sort of image, but they go about it in completely different ways.
but I'm quite disagree when you said defeating biometric security censor is easy (except those "abal-abal" system)...because in my opinion although the defeator understands how the Finger print scanner & Biometric reader works,.... but as long as that security system is planned, installed and programmed by professional (hm, me for example), then I guarantee you that this is certainly will become the extraordinary complicated matter for you to fake or in other words you'll never ever able to defeat it.
but I'm quite disagree when you said defeating biometric security censor is easy (except those "abal-abal" system)...because in my opinion although the defeator understands how the Finger print scanner & Biometric reader works,.... but as long as that security system is planned, installed and programmed by professional (hm, me for example), then I guarantee you that this is certainly will become the extraordinary complicated matter for you to fake or in other words you'll never ever able to defeat it.
Integrated access security system combined all equipments and it is designed as well as being programmed in such a way to make no cracks on the wall so that the light can't come in. cheers.
PS,Let's talk about it someday!!
PS,Let's talk about it someday!!
Nice blog,
ReplyDeleteThis blog contains huge information about fingerprint sensor.