Intelligent Building System adalah teknologi dengan Instalasi yang memungkinkan seluruh perangkat fasilitas Gedung dapat dirancang dan diprogram sesuai kebutuhan, keinginan & kontrol otomatis terpusat.
Kehebatan teknologi system ini hanya dibatasi oleh daya imajinasi sang owner, perencana & programmer systemnya.
Oleh karena itu untuk tujuan menambah wawasan tentang Mechanical & Electrical, Intelligent Building system ini, maka saya ingin mengajak teman yang memiliki
skill & knowledge maupun pengalaman dalam bidang tersebut serta teman2 yg haus teknologi, yang suka, yang ingin tau ,just 4 fun atau apapun untuk sharing & blog ini.
akhir kata...let's get it on.
thanks & peace
Kehebatan teknologi system ini hanya dibatasi oleh daya imajinasi sang owner, perencana & programmer systemnya.
Oleh karena itu untuk tujuan menambah wawasan tentang Mechanical & Electrical, Intelligent Building system ini, maka saya ingin mengajak teman yang memiliki
akhir kata...let's get it on.
thanks & peace
Intelligent Building System is a technology in which the Installation of all utilities and devices of the Building facilities can be designed and programmed in accordance to the requirements of the owner wish, centrally controlled devices & automation.
The boundary of its intelligence would only be limited by the imagination power of the owner, the planner & the programmer of the system.
Because of such sophisticated unique gadget in Building, and for the purpose of boosting up the insight concept of the Mechanical & Electrical as well as the Intelligent Building system, I decided to create this blog and wanted to encourage all fellows who had the same skill, knowledge and experience in this field and also to those who need to know this technology more, curiosity, just for fun or anything like like that to share it here.
So... let's get it on pals.
Thank you.
Thank you.
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